Career Support
Career development tutorials & workshops
Preparing you for the work place during or post degree
One of the most important things in life is that you love what you do to earn money. The old saying goes, when you find a job you love, you never work another day in your life. It’s true too. However, not everyone is lucky – or wise – enough to be able to do that. We want you to be fully prepared for the moment you leave university, and we want you to find your dream job too. So, here are a number of tutorial videos that can help you achieve that. Most universities will tell you how proud they are of you, and how the next step of your life is a big adventure, but not many of them give you the tools to take the next step when you leave. This is where we come in. Our goal is to make the students who learn from us the most employable in the region. ELT Central’s Academic Director, Andy Pacino, gained one of Dubai’s top universities a 5 star KHDA rating for employability, and his experience and advice will be invaluable in your quest to get employed.
It’s a tough old world out there for fresh graduates, and they need all the help they can get. This clip offers some of the most valuable advice you will ever get on the best LinkedIn hacks and how to work your contacts to the best effect. Learn how to introduce yourself and make your connections notice you. Understand how to use your time spent on the platform wisely, make sure your posts have the biggest impact, and learn how to involve employers so that they know who you are, what kind of skills you bring to the table, your work ethic and personality, and how all of your attributes will help their business expand.
Nailing the interview
This clip covers everything you need to know about creating a great impression at your interview. It also gives some top advice on personal and professional preparation, dry runs, practice, and ultimately how to achieve the best possible outcome for your face to face meeting with a potential employer. Then we’ll give you advice on how to follow up the interview with positive feedback and what to do to keep your profile fresh in the employer’s mind, and enhance your chances of getting the job.