ELT Central: your one stop guide to academic excellence & employment in the UAE
FREE academic help for UAE students
About Us
We can make you so good you won't have to work too hard
ACADEMICS: We run a series of free workshops for students who are thinking of going to university or want to get the best out of their uni experience. Our workshops cover all the necessary basics skills to ensure you get the best from your time at university. We can come to your school, visit your university, we work online, or you can come to us. Our workshops include (though are not limited to) time management, how parents can help, intro to academic writing, intro to research, critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, paraphrasing, citing & referencing (APA, Chicago, Harvard) writing a thesis statement, nailing the essay, writing a killer lit review and smashing the presentation.
CAREERS: We offer more free workshops to make sure that when you leave university, it’s not with a pat on the back, a degree certificate and a good luck message, which is sadly too often the case at many universities. The simple fact is, these days a degree certificate is not enough. We at ELT Central not only want you to walk into a great job, but we also want to make sure that you’re properly equipped with hands on experience, as well as the theoretical knowledge to hit the road running and impress your new boss. We will teach you how to approach the interview, how to network effectively, how to make the right connections and how to interact with them and build solid and reliable relationships to carry your through your study period and then into internships and work placement.

We run regular workshops for parents too. University is a huge financial investment, and if you want your investment to pay off, you can learn how to help your child get the best from their studies.

Making the most of your study time is important not only at university, but it will also prepare you for life once you finish studying and go into the real world of working for a living.

Building and arguing an essay is no easy feat if you don’t know how to approach it. Our hands on and practical “learn while you do” workshops help students build their skillsets heuristically and with purpose. Using easy to understand, tried and tested methods, you will walk away with the best techniques that will set you up for your time at university.

Integrity is an academic virtue, and it is one of the reasons we can hold our heads high when we earn our degree. Learning how to paraphrase helps you use other people’s work as a base for your own ideas and arguments. Knowing how to paraphrase effectively is one of the most important aspects of academic writing, and our short introduction and longer workshops can mean the difference between distinctions and high distinctions, and passing or failing.

Knowing how to cite and reference your sources is an important part of raising your assignment marks. In text citations and reference lists often carry up to ten percent of a grade (it tends to be higher in your foundation year), and getting this part right could mean the difference between a pass or fail: it really is that important. Our workshop will introduce you to your university’s method of referencing, and show you how to stick to the guidelines and offer links to handy websites that ensure you get it right.

Understanding your subject and getting an all round objective view is all part of researching to contribute and support your arguments. Without understanding where to go and how to search is not an easy task, however, we can show you how to find your sources, and understand which are credible and usable.