Emirates Aviation UniversityFDNFee (pa)BA/ScFee (pa)MA/ScFee (pa)PhDFee (pa)CertFee
Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering  76,860      
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering  76,860      
English Foundation Programme26,145       
Applied Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering  76,860      
Applied Bachelor in Avionics Engineering  76,860      
Applied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering  76,860      
Applied Bachelor in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
*First 2.5 years. ** Last 2 years
Aircraft Maintenance        H dip83,790
Aviation Management  73,710126,000    
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management  73,71098,000    
Higher Diploma in Business Management        52,500
MBA General Management    126,000    
MA Human Resource Management    100,000    
MSc Engineering Business Management    80,000    
MSc Aviation Safety    110,250    
MSc Aviation Security    110,250    
MSc Aerospace Engineering    95,000    
MSc Mechanical Engineering    95,000    

Fees are correct at time of publication. Institutions may change without informing us. We update figures every term.